Documentation Style
When contributing documentation to KubeArchive you are expected to follow the guidelines listed below:
Use present tense, instead of future or past.
Use the active voice, instead of the passive voice.
Use the second and third persons, instead of first person.
Use positive phrases, instead of negative phrases.
Use cautious language, instead of making claims.
Do not recommend.
Use english abbreviations, instead of latin abbreviations.
Use present tense whenever possible:
NO: When configured in this way KubeArchive will delete resources.
YES: When configured in this way KubeArchive deletes resources.
Use active voice as much as possible, as its usually more direct than the passive:
NO: This feature is configured in the ConfigMap.
YES: Configure this feature in the ConfigMap.
NO: Resources are deleted by KubeArchive when deleteWhen
is configured.
YES: KubeArchive deletes resources when you configure deleteWhen
Avoid first person and use second to interact with the reader and third to describe things:
NO: We create the following KubeArchiveConfig
YES: Create the following KubeArchiveConfig
NO: Execute the file we provide.
YES: Execute the file provided.
Positive Phrases
Use positive phrases as negative ones are sometimes confusing, most notably when they contain two negatives:
NO: Do not set the field when its value is redundant.
YES: Set the field if its value is different to avoid redundancy.
NO: If the feature is not configured KubeArchive does not delete resources.
YES: If the feature is configured KubeArchive deletes resources.
Claims and Recommendations
Use a "cautious" language when talking about some topics as performance, benefits, best practices or security:
NO: KubeArchive improves the performance of your Kubernetes cluster.
YES: KubeArchive can improve the performance of your Kubernetes cluster.
NO: It is recommended that you increase the number of API replicas when facing performance problems.
YES: When facing performance problems, increase the number of API replicas.
NO: The default value is set to X. We recommend Y.
YES: The default value is set to X. Increase it to Y to avoid occasional problems.
Latin Abbreviations
Use the english abbreviations instead of their latin counterparts.
NO: Used to login with ko (e.g. "")
YES: Used to login with ko (for example "")
NO: These are style rules (syntax, indentation, naming, etc.)
YES: These are style rules (syntax, indentation, naming, and so on)
YES: These are style rules (syntax, indentation, naming, and other rules)
NO: against the body of the cloud event (that is the resource)