API reference

This document contains the endpoints of the KubeArchive API and the query parameters they support.


Collection of Resources




Parameters allowed:

  • limit: defaults to 100. Not higher than 1000. Limits the number of entries returned.

  • continue: token to access the next page of the pagination. Retrieve it at .metadata.continue of the returned List resource. An empty string if there are no more pages remaining.

  • labelSelector: allows filtering resources based on label filtering.

Label Selector



Not existence

labelSelector=!unwantedLabelKey or labelSelector=%21unwantedLabelKey with URL encoding


labelSelector=labelKey=labelValue or labelSelector=labelKey%3DlabelValue with URL encoding


labelSelector=labelKey!=unwantedLabelValue or labelSelector=labelKey%21%3DlabelValue with URL encoding

Set based

labelSelector=labelKey in (value1, value2) or labelSelector=labelKey+in+%28value1,+value2%29 with URL encoding

Set not based

labelSelector=labelKey notin (value1, value2) or labelSelector=labelKey+notin+%28value1,+value2%29 with URL encoding

Label selectors can be combined based on a logical AND by separating them with a comma.

For example to retrieve pods in the default namespace with the following label selector: app=kubearchive, env in (stage, dev), release!=stable

The API call is:


Individual Resources


