Database Integrations


KubeArchive requires a database to store resources. This document list the databases supported, how to set up the database schema and how to add new database integrations.


Currently, PostgreSQL is the only fully supported database engine. The KubeArchive integration test suite runs with the PostgreSQL version detailed in the kubearchive.sql file.

The PostgreSQL implementation is available here.

The PostgreSQL schema is available here and in the release as kubearchive.sql.


This integration is still in progress.

The MariaDB implementation is available here.

Configuration and Customization


KubeArchive offers a kubearchive.sql file with the instructions to set up the schema as part of the installation process.

The provided schema includes indexes.

KubeArchive users should review and customize the indexes if needed based on the expected queries and the amount and distribution of the expected archived data.

The schema includes the creation of the database kubearchive owned by the kubearchive user. The schema expects the existence of a kubearchive database user fow owning this database.

An account with admin privileges should run kubearchive.sql.

psql -U admin \ (1)
-h \ (2)
-f kubearchive.sql
1 The database admin account used to apply the schema. It can be different from the KubeArchive DB user.
2 The database URL

Database Credentials

The kubearchive-database-credentials Secret stores the information to connect KubeArchive with the Database.

The default content of this Secret when KubeArchive is installed is:

kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: kubearchive-database-credentials
  namespace: kubearchive
  DATABASE_KIND: postgresql
  DATABASE_URL: "kubearchive-rw.postgresql.svc.cluster.local"
  DATABASE_DB: "kubearchive"
  DATABASE_USER: "kubearchive"
  DATABASE_PASSWORD: "Databas3Passw0rd"  # notsecret

Update the secret with the specific values of your database and restart the pods accordingly to pick the new values. The command for changing the most common values, URL and password, is:

kubectl patch secret -n kubearchive kubearchive-database-credentials \
--patch='{"stringData": {
"DATABASE_URL": "", (1)
"DATABASE_PASSWORD": "password" (2)
1 The database URL
2 The database password

If you change the DATABASE_USER or the DATABASE_DB then you should accordingly update the schema provided within the KubeArchive release.

Don’t forget to restart kubearchive sink and api as both access the database:

kubectl rollout -n kubearchive restart deployment kubearchive-sink kubearchive-api-server

Adding a New Database

To add a new database integration follow the instructions:

  1. Create a new file under pkg/database named after the new database engine.

  2. Include an init function that:

The newDBCreatorFunc

This function receives the set of environment variables with the database configuration and returns a DBCreator implementation.

The DBCreator should include env as a parameter so the GetConnectionString can access them.

The DBInterface implementation returned by the newDatabaseFunc

This section includes the development guidelines expected by the KubeArchive maintainers.

The DBInterface should be a struct with Database embedded.

Make sure to implement the interfaces that are part of it:

All the interfaces work with objects from the sqlbuilder Go library. Check out the docs to see how to work with them.

Some interfaces, like DBDeleter, have a default implementation.

Other interfaces, like DBFilter, have a partial implementation.

Those implementations may have the functionality that you need. Check them before implementing your own.

If the database interaction logic changes from the implementation in the Database struct, override the implementation of the affected functions. For example, a database that does not support upsert queries needs to implement ResourceInserter as a series of SELECT and an INSERT statements.

Take a look at the current database integrations and feel free to contribute to our code adding new database integrations!